About ACED Manchester

The University of Manchester is a part of the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (ACED). Launched in 2019 and successfully renewed in 2025, ACED is a partnership between Cancer Research UK, The University of Manchester, University College London (UCL), the Knight Cancer Institute at OHSU, the University of Cambridge, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and the German Cancer Research Center.

The Alliance marks an unprecedented investment in early detection research over 5 years to deliver transformative research and better patient outcomes. The ACED Strategy Overview outlines ACED’s key aims, scientific strategy and primary contacts.

ACED logo with all the partner logos

ACED in Manchester

Manchester has a rich heritage in prevention and early detection research, from the discovery of novel biomarkers that help diagnose and detect cancer sooner, to modelling how cancer develops and understanding the risks that lead to people developing cancer.

Led by Professor Robert Bristow and Dr Emma Woodward, ACED Manchester aims to build on this heritage and leverage the pre-existing strengths of the Manchester eco-system to deliver novel innovations in prevention and early detection research.

I’m delighted that the expanded membership allows us to collaborate with world-renowned institutions and scientists such as our co-leads at Harvard which have long standing excellence in this field, enabling world-leading research to reach more patients and their families across the globe.

Dr Emma Woodward

Co-Director, ACED Manchester and ACED Director of Research

ACED Manchester is taking a leading role in the ACED research themes. Professor Robert Bristow is co-leading the immunology theme alongside Professor Jamie Blundell from University of Cambridge.

Dr Emma Woodward is co-leading the Hereditary theme.

Dr Sam Merriel and Dr Igor Francetic are co-leading the Inequalities theme.

Latest News from ACED


Research Themes

ACED Manchester's research is prioritised across three key research themes and several disease sites.

Funding Opportunities

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Frequently Asked Questions

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ACED-Funded PhD Students

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Skills Exchange and Development Award

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Events and Seminars

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