
As a translational cancer research centre, the Cancer Research UK Manchester Centre functions as a federation with research positions remaining within the relevant University Faculties/Institutes and NHS Trusts. Academics from across Manchester represent the CRUK Manchester Centre in order to drive forward our research agenda and help us to realise our vision.


The CRUK Manchester Centre is directed by Professor Robert Bristow with Professor Caroline Dive as deputy Director. The day-to-day management is handled by the operations team and is led by the MCRC Strategic Operations Team.

Each theme is led by a dedicated theme lead and assisted by a project or programme manager. Across the five research themes and underpinning Digital Cancer Centre and Augmented Core Services, the leads include:


Cancer Biomarkers

Professor Caroline Dive, PhD CBE FMedSci, supported by project manager Ekram Aidaros-Talbot.


Cancer Early Detection

Professor Emma Crosbie, BSc MBChB PhD FRCOG and Dr Philip Crosbie, MBChB PhD FRCP, supported by project managers Dr Martin Bone and Emma Thorpe.


Core Services and Technology Platforms

Mr Stuart Pepper leads on facilitating access to CRUK MI-hosted core technological platforms.


Digital Cancer Centre

Professor Corinne Faivre-Finn, FRCR MD PhD. The digital theme is also supported by the work of Digital Cancer Research and Dr Harriet Unsworth (Team Leader, Digital Cancer Research)


Experimental Cancer Medicine

Dr Natalie Cook, MBChB PhD MRCP, Dr Matthew Krebs, MBChB PhD MRCP and Professor Fiona Thistlethwaite, BA MA MB BChir PhD MRCP, supported by project manager Dr Amanda Rees.


Integrative Pathology Incorporating the MCRC Biobank

Professor David Wedge BA PGCE MSc PhD and Dr Pedro Oliveira MD, supported by Business Manager of the MCRC Biobank, Jane Rogan.


Radiobiology Adaptive Programme – BioAdaption

Professor Peter Hoskin, BSc MD MRCS FRCR FRCP FACR FFR RCSI, Professor Ananya Choudhury, MA (Cantab) PhD MRCP FRCR, and Professor Marcel van Herk, BSc MSc PhD, supported by programme manager Kim Linton.

International Advisory Board

The scientific direction of the CRUK Manchester Centre is assisted by members of an International Advisory Board (IAB). This board convenes annually to assess the CRUK Manchester Centre’s scientific direction, current work and future ambitions. Chaired by Professor David Jaffray, the IAB is constructed from the following members:


About the CRUK Manchester Centre

The CRUK Manchester Centre is a translational research centre dedicated to delivering precision medicine for all.

Our Vision

Discover more about our vision to deliver cancer precision for all.


To achieve our goals, we need to work collaboratively.