Our Vision

With a core drive to improve the lives of patients with cancer, our scientific researchers strive to define new pathways and deliver innovative care changes directly to national patients and populations. We are all working to a uniform goal imbedded within the Centre’s vision.

Cancer Precision For All

Driving scientific innovation and novel translational science into clinical excellence to create a future free from the burden of cancer.

Headshot of Professor Rob Bristow

We will use each individual patient’s characteristics to guide the choice of treatment, and to modify the choice of treatment as the patient’s tumour progresses and evolves. Currently, personalised medicine is largely focused on late stage patients and based on invasive tumour biopsies.


Importantly, we will go beyond this to implement personalised medicine at diagnosis and throughout the patient journey by molecularly profiling serially-sampled liquid biopsies, and matching with not only drug-based therapies but also treatment with radiotherapy and surgery.


Delivery of such a vision requires comprehensive integration of basic and clinical research, a culture and strategy that has patient benefit at its heart, a broad and comprehensive platform of enabling infrastructure and technologies and people with the optimum balance of skills, interests and experience. This philosophy has guided our development over the last few years, resulting in a proven track-record of working and investing together as a successful partnership, and a globally-competitive platform for further development.

The Cancer Research UK Manchester Centre is ideally placed to bring a multidisciplinary approach to cancer research. The Centre truly benefits from the rich ecosystem of cancer research excellence in Manchester, from the core facilities of the CRUK Manchester Institute, right to the clinical facilities at The Christie.


By leveraging these collaborations and critical mass of researchers healthcare professionals and facilities, we have a real opportunity to bring innovations from the lab to the clinic.

Caroline Dive headshot


About the CRUK Manchester Centre

The CRUK Manchester Centre is a translational research centre dedicated to delivering precision medicine for all.


Discover more about how the Centre is governed, from Theme Leads to the International Advisory Board.


We cannot achieve our vision alone. That's why collaboration lies at the heart of the Centre.