The role of phosphatases in melanoma metastasis and therapy resistance

Closing date: 04/04/2025

CRUK Black Leaders in Cancer Non-Clinical PhD Scholarship: The role of phosphatases in melanoma metastasis and therapy resistance 

Lead Supervisors: Dr Rebecca Lee
Dr Adam Hurlstone, Dr Kerrie Marie

Applications Deadline: Friday 4th April 2025
Interviews: Week commencing 28th April 2025
Non-Clinical Studentship start date: September 2025

Project Keywords: Melanoma, Resistance, Metastasis 
Research Opportunity: Non-Clinical Studentship leading to the award of PhD

Project Outline

Melanoma is an aggressive type of skin cancer associated with an incidence of ≈17500 patients and 2300 deaths per year in the United Kingdom. Adjuvant therapy with either immune checkpoint inhibitors (CPI; anti-PD-1 therapy with nivolumab/pembrolizumab) or targeted therapy (TT; dabrafenib plus trametinib) in BRAF mutant patients has improved both relapse-free and distant metastasis-free survival although the survival benefit is less clear. Despite these significant improvements in melanoma therapy, up to 30% of patients with stage 3 disease will develop distant metastases and in those patients who develop advanced melanoma, approximately half will die, therefore it is critical to better understand mechanisms behind melanoma metastasis and therapy resistance.  

This exciting project will interrogate novel models of metastasis in melanoma which are also known to be targeted therapy (TT) resistant. These include circulating tumour cell xenograft (CDX) models derived from patients with highly aggressive melanoma. The aim of the project will be to characterise and perturb a novel target of metastatic progression and drug resistance. The student will develop techniques in assessing metastatic potential, drug response both in vitro and in vivo, siRNA screens and mass spectrometry. 

We are looking for a hard-working, focused, ambitious person to join our excellent, friendly, inclusive and collaborative team. Our laboratory makes use of a broad range of in vitro and in vivo techniques to study melanoma, with the aim of developing novel therapies for patients. We would be particularly happy to receive applications from individuals with a strong academic track record and Masters-level and/or other laboratory research experience in cancer biology.   

The project will provide comprehensive training in tumour biology, pre-clinical models and data analysis, positioning the candidate for an exciting future in cancer biology, drug target discovery and validation. 

Applications for this project are now open. Please complete your application on the Windsor Fellowship website.

About Dr Rebecca Lee (project Lead Supervisor)

Rebecca Lee is a clinician scientist at the University of Manchester and a consultant medical oncologist at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust. She completed her PhD in the laboratory of Richard Marais where she worked on cell signalling, targeted therapy drug resistance and helped to develop patient derived mouse models. Her postdoctoral clinical fellowship was in the laboratory of Erik Sahai at the Francis Crick Institute interrogating the tumour microenvironment. She has also developed several clinical trials translating her work to the clinic. She has recently been awarded a Wellcome Trust Fellowship examining liver metastasis and immune therapy resistance.

Find out more

Dr Rebecca Lee headshot

Key information

Before submitting an application, please ensure you have read the information below about the funding arrangements and eligibility for Non-Clinical Studentships.

We also encourage you to get in contact with the lead supervisor to discuss the project and any particulars.

Further information is available on the Non-Clinical PhD Studentships webpage.

Fees and Funding
How to apply
Applications Timelines

Useful Links

Submit your application

Interested in applying for this opportunity? Go to the Windsor Fellowship website to submit your application.

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Contact Dr Yasmin Noori Jenaghard, Postgraduate Programme Manager.

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