The VIGILANCE study: developing imaging and circulating biomarkers towards personalised radiotherapy in locally advanced lung cancer

Closing date: 04/04/2025

CRUK Black Leaders in Cancer Non-Clinical PhD Scholarship: The VIGILANCE study: developing imaging and circulating biomarkers towards personalised radiotherapy in locally advanced lung cancer

Lead Supervisors: Prof. Corinne Faivre-Finn
Dr Gareth Price, Dr Florent Mouliere

Applications Deadline: Friday 4th April 2025
Interviews: Week commencing 28th April 2025
Non-Clinical Studentship start date: September 2025

Project Keywords: Lung cancer, Radiotherapy, Biomarkers
Research Opportunity: Non-Clinical Studentship leading to the award of PhD

Project Outline

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type. One-fifth of patients present with stage 3 or locally advanced (LA) disease, equating to approximately 9,000 patients annually in England. Over half of these patients receive radiotherapy-based treatments. In fit patients, concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by immunotherapy offers the best chance of cure. Unfortunately, such treatments are associated with significant toxicity and the prognosis remains poor due to high risk of recurrence.  

There remains an unmet clinical need for biomarkers that can predict toxicity and identify treatment failure early. Such information would be clinically useful for tailoring personalised treatment and follow-up regimens to individuals and their specific cancer. The ultimate aim is to design a patient-led clinical trial that integrates new biomarkers to improve treatment decision-making and individualises lung cancer treatment. 

High-quality prospective clinical data has already been collected from patients with LA-NSCLC undergoing curative-intent radiotherapy within the MCRC’s VIGILANCE study. Study data includes innovative cell-free DNA (cfDNA) biomarkers together with radiomic biomarkers from routine imaging captured at multiple timepoints throughout treatment and follow-up. Patient-reported symptoms and quality of life measures through patient-reported outcome measures have also been collected. This will provide insight into the patient experience during and after radiotherapy and permit the evaluation of the potential of these measures as a patient-centred qualitative biomarker. Except for cfDNA, all candidate biomarkers are routinely collected, making this study highly pragmatic.  

Overall, this project builds on previous work, but will introduce new and impactful insights that significantly advance the research. The candidate will benefit from the unique infrastructure and strengths that have been established locally, bringing together experts in clinical and translational research. The team includes members of the Christie, CRUK Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence, National Cancer Biomarker Centre and the MCRC.  

Applications for this project are now open. Please complete your application on the Windsor Fellowship website.

About Professor Corinne Faivre-Finn (project Lead Supervisor)

Corinne Faivre-Finn is a Professor of Thoracic Radiation Oncology at University of Manchester and Honorary Consultant Clinical Oncologist at the Christie.  She is an experienced PhD supervisor. 

She is Principal Investigator for numerous trials studying radiotherapy in lung cancer and an author of 24 lung cancer national and international guidelines. She has authored>300 papers including 7practice changing studies.  

She has numerous professional roles including radiotherapy research lead for Manchester Cancer Research Centre & CRUK Lung Cancer Centre, Chair of the ESTRO Lung Focus Group & the Early NSCLC EORTC Lung Group. She also leads the Christie Patient Reported Outcome Group.  

Find out more

Corinne Faivre-Finn

Key information

Before submitting an application, please ensure you have read the information below about the funding arrangements and eligibility for Non-Clinical Studentships.

We also encourage you to get in contact with the lead supervisor to discuss the project and any particulars.

Further information is available on the Non-Clinical PhD Studentships webpage.

Fees and Funding
How to apply
Applications Timelines

Useful Links

Submit your application

Interested in applying for this opportunity? Go to the Windsor Fellowship website to submit your application.

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